Encouraged by the success of the 2021 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Summer Camp and due to popular demand, the Department of Statistics at the University of Georgia (UGA) is once again partnering with Data Scientists at Wells Fargo to offer the 2023 Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Summer Camp for High School Students from July 17 - 21, 2023 (8 am to 5 pm).
The camp will be held in person on the campus of the University of Georgia in Room 202 Caldwell Hall, UGA, 302 Herty Drive, Athens, GA 30602. We are expecting to select about 30 high school students (preferably in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade) to participate in this camp. This one-week hands-on learning program will be developed and taught by experienced faculty members from the Department of Statistics and Data Scientists from Wells Fargo.
A snapshot of the 2023 summer camp is given below. For more details see attached flyer:
Registration: Click here
Dates: July 17 to July 21, 2023
Venue: Room 202 Caldwell Hall, UGA 302 Herty Drive, Athens, GA 30602
Parking: Click North Campus Parking Deck
Camp Hours: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Cost for participation: $400
The attached flyer gives the list of topics that will be covered in the camp. There will be a lot of hands-on learning activities built into the one-week-long summer camp. If you have questions, please contact Dr. Abhyuday Mandal (abhyuday@uga.edu) and Dr. T. N. Sriram (tn@uga.edu).. Sincerely, T. N. Sriram Professor & Head Department of Statistics -- Abhyuday Mandal Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator Department of Statistics University of Georgia Athens, GA 30602